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Elf ears to Dwarf beards(all you need to know about the races of this world)
Fair People
Elves:The children of Eru. The first thing they percieved when they were awoken was the light of new stars. They are the fairest and wisest of all races to walk Middle Earth. They know more emotion then the other races, so they know great happiness and deep sorrow. They are immortal and ageless, but they can be murdered, slain in a battle or even die of tremendous grief. They do not age, but become wiser with the passing of time. They are a little taller then men, but they are more gracefull and light of foot. They have keen eye-sight and are beautifull singers.

Men:Mortal and short-lived, they would often sucumb to sickness and harsh elements of climate. They weren't as strong as Elves. Some men are easily corrupted and follow evil doers no matter where they lead them. Some made an alliance with elves.

dwarves: craftsmen and miners of underground dwellings called mines which are placed deep inside Mountains.Although they are only inches taller then hobbits they are much more sturdy and are characterized with full out beards.

Hobbits: or halflings as they are also known stand at anywhere from 3'-4'9. They love peace and quiet and hate adventures. They also enjoy food, ale, smoking pipes, gardening and spending time with family. They try to isolate themselves from "the big folk" or the rest of Middle Earth. They live in homes made into the side of the hills in the Shire and dress in rustic, earth-toned clothes and don't wear shoes.

Ents: Stand at around 14 feet tall. They are half-men and half-tree. They move and talk slow but, they can be fierce when angered. They speak entish and spend their days looking after the forests and fair people of Middle Earth. The greatest of these is Fangorn the tree-sheperd of Fangorn Forest.

wizards: They came to aid against Sauron.Though they are Maiar spirits they come in the form as old men. They usually wear rugged clothes and travel far across Middle Earth and are aclaimed for being very wise.

Foul things

Orcs:In the bowels of Utumno, Melkor captured many elves and torture and disfigured them and made a terrible race of goblins for his slaves. These were the orcs, many made that way because of long years of pain and hate. They are ruthless, cold and terrible. They cause much trouble in Middle Earth.

wargs:Evil breed of wolf which speak their own language and cause mischief. They made an alliance with goblins and orcs,who often ride these wargs like horses when they went off to war.

giant spiders: Filled with hate they are dark and wretched creatures. The greatest of them was Ungoliant that entered Middle Earth long ago.

Urak-Hai:Their skin and blood are as black as the night sky. They are greater in strength and endurance then regular orcs and better warriors. The breeding of these awfull creatures was counted as one of the worst deeds of Sauron.

dragons: Fire-breathing creatures that like to cause chaos to towns and horde gold. There scales are tough and can not easily be pierced except for one soft spot on their belly. Their eye-sight isn't great, but their sense of smell is.

Places of Middle Earth
Fangorn: An ancient forest guarded by Fangorn the oldest Ent in middle earth.

Lothlorien:(also known as Lorien) a beautiful woodland realm. East of the Misty mountains. It is the fairest Elf-kingdom of Middle Earth. In this realm golden-leaved, silver-barked Mallorn trees grow.Mallorn are th tallest and fairest of trees. And it is in these trees that the Elves of this place make their homes.

Mirkwood: Another woodland realm where elves dwell. It is also home to creepy things like giant spiders,orcs,wargs and evil spirits. It was once as great as Lorien, but the dark lord Sauron built a fortress on its southern reaches and in doing so, corrupted its lands.

Mordor: Sauron's evil kingdom just to the east of the river Anduin. In common tongue its name means "the black land." A vast dreary land riddled with ash and orc pits.

Moria: underground fortress of the dwarves.It was once a happy, lively and rich place. One day while the dwarves were mining they accidently released a Balrog. It then after became a dark and terrible place.

Rohan: realm of men.Allied with Gondor. Horse-breeders live there.

the Shire: dwelling of the hobbits or halflings.Broken into four-farthings. A quiet and peace-full land much like its inhabitants. Full of hobbit holes and flowers.

People you need to know
The fellowship:
Frodo:A hobbit who was born sept. 22nd, 2968 of the third age of Middle Earth. He is the son of Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck and was orphaned at a young age. Bilbo Baggins adopted him and took him to Bag End. Frodo was unusual for a hobbit. He was adventerous and had knowledge of Elvish Language and Lore. He was also a song-writer. After he inherited Bag End from Bilbo, Frodo became the ring bearer and set off for the quest of the ring in 3018.

Gandalf: A wandering wizard who was sent to Middle earth. He was called Mithrandir to the elves. He took the form of a bearded old man clothed in a ratty grey cloak wearing a pointy hat and carrying a staff. He was the one who learned of the one ring and found out how to destroy it. He fought a Balrog in Moria, during the quest of the ring and was later resurected and became Gandalf the White.

Aragorn: Son of Arathorn,heir of Isildur, but was raise by Elrond in Rivendell, where he met Elrond's daughter and fell in love with her. Elrond would not permit marriage between the two until Aragorn became king of Gondor. He wandered far and went by many names, including Strider. He was one of the nine members of the fellowship and became the leader after the fall of Gandalf.

Legolas: Elf of the woodland realm of Mirkwood. He was the son of Thranduil and his name means "Green Leaf." His keen eyes and skills with a bow proved a great help to the fellowship.

Gimli: The dwarf son of Gloin. Fought bravely in many battles with the fellowship and made many friends including elves (unusual for a dwarf). His closest friend is Legolas.


Pippin: Peregrin Took,also known as Pippin to his friends, was born in 2990 of the Third Age. His father was the Thain of the Shire. He went with his friend and cousin Frodo Baggins on the Quest of the Ring in 3019.

Merry and Sam coming soon!

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